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The exquisitely beautiful violin part makes this one of our most popular titles, promoting emotional bonding + freedom from stress & fatigue –  62 mins

How to listen to our music for maximum benefit.

Exercises for Track 1

Exercises for Track 3

Violin: Ulrike Kaese

Track titles and lengths: 1. Grace – original title ‘For Fatigue’ (Stings, winds, piano- Ulrike Kaese Violin) 23:27 / 2. Beauty (Harp, winds, synthesized sounds) 14:47 / 3. Tranquility – original title ‘For Stress’ (Harp, strings, winds, piano, synthesized sounds) 25:00

Focus of the music: Track 1 Helps to alleviate both short and long-term fatigue. Track 2 For emotional bonding. Track 3 Helps to alleviate both short and long-term stress. Be sure to download the exercises to learn more about the brain wave frequencies relating to Track 1.

Why did we create this title? In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s we began working with a clinical psychologist in Barcelona, Spain – Marc Costa. He was a musician himself and was very interested in combining music with therapeutic strobes to help his clients let go of emotional trauma from the past. In the process we learned a lot about emotional body structures first described by Wilhelm Reich. We created Track 1 to soften the tension stored in the body relating to the ‘Oral’ structure (normally from birth to 2 years of age) and Track 3 to soften the tension relating to the ‘schizoid’ structure (inside the mother to birth). Track 2 promotes emotional bonding, but is not related to a particular emotional structure. Both Tracks 1 & 3 were used in conjunction with early sound and light machines for entrainment purposes. We used the interval of the 5th nearly continuously in the background of Track 1 to promote relaxation.

If you prefer, purchase the CD.