how to listen to our music

  1. Set aside your musical expectations- what kind of music you like or what you think is ‘good’ music. Just let the music come in and take you where it will. No need to focus on it. Let any random thoughts, memories, images, people, colors come into your mind and pass through. They are all part of the releasing process and perfectly normal. If you fall asleep, that’s great. You might also experience physical sensations like an old sports injury… That’s all normal too and these will pass in a moment or two. Enjoy the journey. 
  2. If you want more info about the why, read Our Sonic Pathways.
  3. Although listening as background music is perfectly OK (the therapeutic effect takes a bit longer), the music was designed to be used with headphones. That’s because there are  special effects recorded with the music (SSRS) to enhance its effect of helping release tension in the body and field that are delivered better  with headphones.
  4. Over-the-ear or noise-isolating headphones are best. Avoid the small buds that normally come with phones, media players and the like as they can affect your hearing over the long term by weakening the tympanic membrane. READ MORE.
  5. If any of the music makes you feel uncomfortable, just lower the volume or listen less. Consistent listening of a minimum of 1/2 hour a day 4 – 5 days a week will bring the quickest results. (You can listen more,  though you may start to feel over-activated. Read 4 Reactions to Music for more about that.) Our Sonic Pathways article gives much more detail about what to do. And don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or comments!
  6. The following are more examples of what you might experience from listening to our therapeutic music:

    -tingling and/or warmth

    -visualization of colors or images

    -emotional reaction (crying, laughing, etc.)

    -sudden awareness of tension spots or areas of soreness


    -the sensations of falling, dizziness, floating or expansion


    -stream of consciousness

    -heightened awareness of the body and surrounding environment

    -sharper visual perception

    -feeling of relaxation

    -the sensation of the sound circling in the head.