SOUND BODY Coaching Sessions with Arden Wilken
SOUND BODY Coaching Sessions with Arden Wilken
We start with what you wish to work on- it can be anything or a combination of seemingly unrelated themes. In a 75 minute video meeting we will explore the ways you can relax tension, create change, build better relationships, develop energy awareness, etc. I will use the most appropriate tools I have to help: energetic, body work - both soft & deep tissue, breath, visualization, self-massage, voice exercises, orchestra of emotion cards, Therapeutic Music, Listening Programs.... I'll teach/show you what you can do to help yourself. Please fill in after 'Instructions' below if the session is for you or a gift for someone else. I'll contact you via email to schedule the session and send you a standard session consent form for you to sign and send back to me.
Price: $100.00
EUR €90.00

SOUND BODY Multiple Coaching Session Discount
SOUND BODY Multiple Coaching Session Discount
Two, 75 minute sound body sessions for $85 each. If you wish to purchase more of these sessions, simple add to the quantity field. We can work on your themes over a period of time - you do the exercises I share with you and then we check back to see your progress and reassess. Please indicate after 'Instructions' if these sessions are for you or someone else as a gift. All the sessions you purchase need to be with the same person, and the sessions will not expire. I'll contact you via email to schedule the 1st session and send you a standard session consent form for you to sign and send back to me.
Price: $170.00
EUR €153.00