SSRS - What's recorded with the music?

Developed by Jack Wilken, SSRS (Spectrum Sound Resonance System), a range of psycho-acoustic effects, is used in our recording to enhance the effect of the music.
He writes: “Really early in our research about how music effects us (back in the 80’s) we focused on the senses. We worked with this information and created experiential courses that we gave from then into the 90’s. Later, psycho-acoustics, the study of how we perceive sound and music, became the obvious channel for how to present Arden’s music and get people to let it in past their defenses (musical expectations) more easily. SSRS is a series of psycho-acoustic effects recorded as part of the music that either relax, entrain, or direct the person’s attention in a specific way. We had custom audio equipment designed and built as well as using some high-end audio (sound) processors that could be adapted to our purpose. Some of the processors add information to the final mix that give geographic location to the sound, something that is missing or presented in a confusing manner by stereo recording. Our intent was and is to create max relaxation. Using other equipment, the sense of the direction of movement was toward locating the sound physically, for example, perceiving it in the occipital area where our pre-consciousness (RAS – ‘reticular activating system’) is situated. We did this to try to get us more choice, an expansion of consciousness. Our first recording, using the first of what would become the various effects that we finally employed, was so successful that it spurred us forward in this area. (Our FLOATING IN THE SEA title has the most psycho-acoustic effects recorded in it and it produces the effect of feeling like you are actually floating in the sea. Arden’s music is secondary to SSRS in this title. In the other titles, it’s the other way around- the effect of the music is enhanced by SSRS.)”