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1200 USD
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11Practitioner (Personal Music)

Personal Music is a unique sound therapy tool for practitioners or anyone interested in self-healing practices. Personal Music offers an individual specific sounds and harmonies to relieve tension, stress and bring the nervous system back into natural alignment. We are bombarded by a cacophony of sound – from digital devices, people and the constant ‘noise’ of living in this modern time. Learn to create Personal music based on a person’s specific desires to support their journey, finding greater peace.

Prerequisites: 01Sound Health Tips (free – no CE hours) / 10Practitioner (Therapeutic Music) – 150 CE hours
CE hours awarded from the School for INNER SOUND: 60 at the completion of the training.
Certificate awarded on completion of course work:
INNER SOUND Sound Therapy Practitioner (Personal Music).

 We have been certifying people in this training since 1998.

Cost: US$1200
Click on ‘Take this course’ in the upper right corner of this page.   

This price include the lifetime use of the sound bytes used to create the music, 30 hours of one on one training with Arden Wilken, the creator of the Personal Music, complete course material (PDFs) and the compilation software. (10, 3 hour blocks via Zoom video meeting is normally how the training hours are broken down over approximately 6 months. We can schedule based on individual timing.)

You will learn to create Personal Music for yourself and others, choosing from 140 sound bytes unique to INNER SOUND (2 gigs of storage necessary, MAC or Windows computer) with multiple instruments and tunings. Build your intuition and develop a “sense” of the effect of sound on yourself and others through exercises developed by Arden to sense where specific instruments and music create movement in the body & field.

To successfully release deep tensions from the past in an integrated way you will learn in depth about the following:
1. NOBFI (N = Neutral, O = Opening, B = Breaking, F = Focusing, I = Integrating) structure used in the creation of the Personal Music, and throughout INNER SOUND
2. Conduct a detailed interview
3. Optimally use assessment tools: iris & emotional body structures, body shape and growth patterns

To purchase, click on ‘Take this course’ in the upper right corner of this page. 

Join our Personal Music team, helping people all over the globe relax.